/** DGui project file.

Copyright: Trogu Antonio Davide 2011-2013

License: $(HTTP boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).

Authors: Trogu Antonio Davide
module picture;

import dgui.all;

class MainForm: Form
	private PictureBox _pict;

	public this()
		this.text = "DGui Picture Box Text";
		this.size = Size(300, 250);
		this.startPosition = FormStartPosition.centerScreen; // Set Form Position

		this._pict = new PictureBox();
		this._pict.dock = DockStyle.fill;
		this._pict.sizeMode = SizeMode.autoSize; // Stretch the image
		this._pict.image = Bitmap.fromFile("image.bmp"); //Load image from file
		this._pict.parent = this;

int main(string[] args)
	return Application.run(new MainForm()); // Start the application