1 /** DGui project file.
3 Copyright: Trogu Antonio Davide 2011-2013
5 License: $(HTTP boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
7 Authors: Trogu Antonio Davide
8 */
9 module dgui.core.events.keyeventargs;
11 public import dgui.core.events.eventargs;
13 enum Keys: uint // docmain
14 {
15 	none =     0, /// No keys specified.
17 	///
18 	shift =    0x10000, /// Modifier keys.
19 	control =  0x20000,
20 	alt =      0x40000,
22 	a = 'A', /// Letters.
23 	b = 'B',
24 	c = 'C',
25 	d = 'D',
26 	e = 'E',
27 	f = 'F',
28 	g = 'G',
29 	h = 'H',
30 	i = 'I',
31 	j = 'J',
32 	k = 'K',
33 	l = 'L',
34 	m = 'M',
35 	n = 'N',
36 	o = 'O',
37 	p = 'P',
38 	q = 'Q',
39 	r = 'R',
40 	s = 'S',
41 	t = 'T',
42 	u = 'U',
43 	v = 'V',
44 	w = 'W',
45 	x = 'X',
46 	y = 'Y',
47 	z = 'Z',
49 	d0 = '0', /// Digits.
50 	d1 = '1',
51 	d2 = '2',
52 	d3 = '3',
53 	d4 = '4',
54 	d5 = '5',
55 	d6 = '6',
56 	d7 = '7',
57 	d8 = '8',
58 	d9 = '9',
60 	f1 = 112, /// F - function keys.
61 	f2 = 113,
62 	f3 = 114,
63 	f4 = 115,
64 	f5 = 116,
65 	f6 = 117,
66 	f7 = 118,
67 	f8 = 119,
68 	f9 = 120,
69 	f10 = 121,
70 	f11 = 122,
71 	f12 = 123,
72 	f13 = 124,
73 	f14 = 125,
74 	f15 = 126,
75 	f16 = 127,
76 	f17 = 128,
77 	f18 = 129,
78 	f19 = 130,
79 	f20 = 131,
80 	f21 = 132,
81 	f22 = 133,
82 	f23 = 134,
83 	f24 = 135,
85 	numPad0 = 96, /// Numbers on keypad.
86 	numPad1 = 97,
87 	numPad2 = 98,
88 	numPad3 = 99,
89 	numPad4 = 100,
90 	numPad5 = 101,
91 	numPad6 = 102,
92 	numPad7 = 103,
93 	numPad8 = 104,
94 	numPad9 = 105,
96 	add = 107, ///
97 	apps = 93, /// Application.
98 	attn = 246, ///
99 	back = 8, /// Backspace.
100 	cancel = 3, ///
101 	capital = 20, ///
102 	capsLock = 20,
103 	clear = 12, ///
104 	controlKey = 17, ///
105 	crSel = 247, ///
106 	decimal = 110, ///
107 	del = 46, ///
108 	delete_ = del, ///
109 	period = 190, ///
110 	dot = period,
111 	divide = 111, ///
112 	down = 40, /// Down arrow.
113 	end = 35, ///
114 	enter = 13, ///
115 	eraseEOF = 249, ///
116 	escape = 27, ///
117 	execute = 43, ///
118 	exsel = 248, ///
119 	finalMode = 4, /// IME final mode.
120 	hangulMode = 21, /// IME Hangul mode.
121 	hanguelMode = 21,
122 	hanjaMode = 25, /// IME Hanja mode.
123 	help = 47, ///
124 	home = 36, ///
125 	imeAccept = 30, ///
126 	imeConvert = 28, ///
127 	imeModeChange = 31, ///
128 	imeNonConvert = 29, ///
129 	insert = 45, ///
130 	junjaMode = 23, ///
131 	kanaMode = 21, ///
132 	kanjiMode = 25, ///
133 	leftControl = 162, /// Left Ctrl.
134 	left = 37, /// Left arrow.
135 	lineFeed = 10, ///
136 	leftMenu = 164, /// Left Alt.
137 	leftShift = 160, ///
138 	leftWin = 91, /// Left Windows logo.
139 	menu = 18, /// Alt.
140 	multiply = 106, ///
141 	next = 34, /// Page down.
142 	noName = 252, // Reserved for future use.
143 	numLock = 144, ///
144 	oem8 = 223, // OEM specific.
145 	oemClear = 254,
146 	pa1 = 253,
147 	pageDown = 34, ///
148 	pageUp = 33, ///
149 	pause = 19, ///
150 	play = 250, ///
151 	print = 42, ///
152 	printScreen = 44, ///
153 	processKey = 229, ///
154 	rightControl = 163, /// Right Ctrl.
155 	return_ = 13, ///
156 	right = 39, /// Right arrow.
157 	rightMenu = 165, /// Right Alt.
158 	rightShift = 161, ///
159 	rightWin = 92, /// Right Windows logo.
160 	scroll = 145, /// Scroll lock.
161 	select = 41, ///
162 	separator = 108, ///
163 	shiftKey = 16, ///
164 	snapshot = 44, /// Print screen.
165 	space = 32, ///
166 	spacebar = space, // Extra.
167 	subtract = 109, ///
168 	tab = 9, ///
169 	up = 38, /// Up arrow.
170 	zoom = 251, ///
172 	// Windows 2000+
173 	browserBack = 166, ///
174 	browserFavorites = 171,
175 	browserForward = 167,
176 	browserHome = 172,
177 	browserRefresh = 168,
178 	browserSearch = 170,
179 	browserStop = 169,
180 	launchApplication1 = 182, ///
181 	launchApplication2 = 183,
182 	launchMail = 180,
183 	mediaNextTrack = 176, ///
184 	mediaPlayPause = 179,
185 	mediaPreviousTrack = 177,
186 	mediaStop = 178,
187 	oemBackslash = 226, // OEM angle bracket or backslash.
188 	oemCloseBrackets = 221,
189 	oemComma = 188,
190 	oemMinus = 189,
191 	oemOpenBrackets = 219,
192 	oemPeriod = 190,
193 	oemPipe = 220,
194 	oemPlus = 187,
195 	oemQuestion = 191,
196 	oemQuotes = 222,
197 	oemSemicolon = 186,
198 	oemTilde = 192,
199 	selectMedia = 181, ///
200 	volumeDown = 174, ///
201 	volumeMute = 173,
202 	volumeUp = 175,
204 	/// Bit mask to extract key code from key value.
205 	keyCode = 0xFFFF,
207 	/// Bit mask to extract modifiers from key value.
208 	modifiers = 0xFFFF0000,
209 }
211 class KeyEventArgs: EventArgs
212 {
213 	private Keys _keys;
214 	private bool _handled = true;
216 	public this(Keys keys)
217 	{
218 		this._keys = keys;
219 	}
221 	@property public Keys keyCode()
222 	{
223 		return this._keys;
224 	}
226 	@property public bool handled()
227 	{
228 		return this._handled;
229 	}
231 	@property public void handled(bool b)
232 	{
233 		this._handled = b;
234 	}
235 }
237 class KeyCharEventArgs: KeyEventArgs
238 {
239 	private char _keyChar;
241 	public this(Keys keys, char keyCh)
242 	{
243 		super(keys);
244 		this._keyChar = keyCh;
245 	}
247 	@property public char keyChar()
248 	{
249 		return this._keyChar;
250 	}
251 }